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Abandoned Bicycle Policy Heading link

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (OVCAS) is responsible for the determination and removal of abandoned bicycles found on university property.

Control of Access to University Facilities and Spaces Policy Heading link

Access to buildings and specific areas on campus may need to be restricted in order to provide a safe and controlled environment for the University of Illinois Chicago. It is also imperative that the circulation and recovery of university keys and electronic access control be closely monitored by the university.

Unit Responsible: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Contact: (312) 413-1404

Energy Policy Heading link

The UIC Energy Policy sets out guidelines for campus operation that will help the campus operate in an energy-efficient and sustainable manner. The policy recognizes that UIC is a complex institution both in its physical buildings and operations and in its organization. The policy expects faculty, staff and students to understand their energy footprint and to make intelligent decisions that will allow UIC to conserve energy and save money while carrying out the university’s teaching, research, and service mission.

E-Scooters and Other Low-Speed, Motorized Personal Transportation Devices on Campus Heading link

To maintain the safety and comfort of all individuals on campus, the university prohibits the use of e-scooters and other low-speed, motorized personal transportation devices on university premises and in university facilities. The policy includes but is not limited to motorized scooters, skateboards, hoverboards, all classes of pedal and throttle assist bicycles, and roller blades.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (OVCAS) is responsible for the operations, maintenance, safety and security of all university-owned facilities. Guidelines for determining financial responsibilities for the costs associated with these services can be found in the following documents associated with the UIC Policy on Financial Responsibility for Facilities-related Costs.

Unit Responsible: OVCAS Business Services

Contact: Associate Vice Chancellor of Business Services, OVCAS; Executive Director, Facilities Management; Director of Environmental, Health and Safety Office; Chief of UIC Police

Laboratory Safety Compliance and Enforcement Policy Heading link

UIC is obligated to provide a laboratory workplace that complies with state and federal environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations and is free from recognized health and safety hazards. This policy is intended to ensure that UIC students and employees including but not limited to, Principal Investigators (PI), Department Heads, and College Deans, who either direct or oversee teaching and research laboratory activities, comply with applicable state and federal laws and regulations and University policies on environmental, health and safety standards. Faculty, staff, students, visiting researchers, and volunteers who work in laboratories are required to follow all applicable environmental, health and safety laws, regulations, and UIC policies

Unit Responsible: OVCAS/Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO)

Contacts: Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Director of EHSO

Landfill Waste Reduction Policy Heading link

UIC seeks to maximize waste reduction as part of the UIC Climate Commitments and the UIC Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP). UIC accomplishes this through techniques such as source reduction, materials reuse, individual and organizational recycling, food recovery, and composting. It is the responsibility of every member of the campus community to support these efforts to protect our environment and minimize unnecessary resource use.

On-campus Smoking Policy Heading link

UIC is a tobacco-free campus, prohibiting all forms of tobacco — cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and all smokeless tobacco products — anywhere within campus boundaries.  UIC has prohibited smoking indoors and near building entryways since 1995.  The policy was finalized after consultation with the University of Illinois president, UIC vice chancellors and deans, the UIC Senate, and student government organizations for undergraduate, graduate and health professions students.

Unit Responsible: Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Contact: Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

UIC Design Review Committee Heading link

In the past, there has been an informal process in place to ensure that any projects that will have a transformative impact on the visual character of the campus are thoroughly reviewed by internal and external experts. To strengthen this existing practice, this policy requires a formal process to guide the planning and design of UIC campuses according to the master plan and design standards. The process is further required to assure timely and thorough design review of a subset of projects—major capital construction projects with an overall budget exceeding $5 million—as the required first step before seeking Board of Trustees approval through the Audit, Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee.

Unit Responsible: Capital Planning and Project Management/UIC Architect 

Contact:  Director, Office of Capital Planning and Project Management, Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Learning Environments and UIC Architect

Security Camera Policy Heading link

To ensure that our current efforts to address safety on campus, as they relate to existing university practices regarding video recording, are structured to satisfy the needs of law enforcement and security while respecting the privacy of students, faculty, staff, and other members of the campus community.

Unit Responsible: UIC Police Department 

Contact: Chief of Police, UIC Police Department (UICPD); Director of Technology and Building Systems, OVCAS

Space and Capital Planning Policy Heading link

To make effective investments in facilities, UIC will engage in comprehensive planning that integrates academic and strategic plans with decisions on assignments of space and allocation of capital funding. A Space and Capital Planning Committee (SCPC) will review and make recommendations regarding the allocation of space and capital resources. The Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (VCAS) is responsible for all facilities on the UIC campus.